10 Tips for Hurricane Preparedness

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When living in the Caribbean, there are few things as important as Tips for Hurricane Preparedness. These ten simple steps can help you weather the storm.

1. Evacuation Planning

One of the main reasons people have to evacuate is from a storm surge, which is a huge wave generated by winds. The wave can reach over 20 feet high so you need to know if you will have to evacuate.

2. Evacuation Area

It is really important to find out if you live in an evacuation area, which refers to a place in which people have to leave their homes and go to a safe spot. Local governments have information about these areas and you should learn this information in advance.

3. Shelters

Contact CEDERA to learn about your local hurricane preparedness plan. The plan normally includes the evacuation routes and shelters. Pets may not be allowed in the shelters for space and safety reasons. Contact your local humane society for more information.

4. Buy Necessary Supplies

One of the main mistakes in hurricane preparation is not buying hurricane survival items early enough. Just before a storm, everything you need may not be available or is sold out. And when the hurricane hits, you won’t be able to get any supplies.

5. Prepare A Supply Kit

It is recommended to prepare a supply kit that includes water, food, and clothing for at least three days. The most often forgotten supplies are medicines and insurance certificates.

6. Prepare Your Home

Check your flood insurance. If you can afford it, you should get it. Standard policies don’t cover damages from hurricanes. And remember that there is usually a 30-day period before your new flood insurance becomes effective.

7. Retrofit Your House

storm shutters

Consider renovating your house so it can withstand water and the wind. Elevate equipment under your house, install aluminum storm shutters, reinforce latches and doors, and add sturdy shingles and hurricane clips to make the roof storm-resistant. These steps will help prevent the high winds from tearing apart your house.

8. Educate Your Children

Your children and family members should know how to turn off water, electricity, and gas. Teach your kids to call 911, the fire department, and the police and tell them where they can read about emergency information.

9. Make Copies Of Documents

You should always ensure that you have copies of proof of ownership documents, such as cars, homes, and boats. Store these documents in your hurricane kit that doesn’t risk being damaged.

10.  Take Care Of Transportation

If you don’t have your vehicle, make arrangements with your friends and family members, and don’t forget about your pets. You need to be sure that everyone is covered, so make contact with everyone who is separated and think of a safe place to meet, away from the evacuation area.

With these 10 tips for hurricane preparedness, you will be ready when the hurricane hits and you won’t be worried about being unprepared for it.

Read more: The Psychology of Hurricane Preparedness