How Ready Is My Home For The Next Hurricane?

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Whether you’ve lived through a hurricane or just seen what it can do to other homes, you must be thinking about ways to protect yourself and your belongings, including how to protect your home from the hurricane. Some hurricanes are so powerful that all the efforts you make may be in vain. Thankfully, most of the storms don’t wipe the homes off the map. If you take the right measures, you can come through unscathed. Additionally, investing in vandalism protection can also safeguard your property during uncertain times.

1. Get The Right Shutters for Hurricane Protection

Colonial Shutters for Hurricane Preparedness
Colonial Shutters

First and foremost, you have to think about not letting the storm into your home. The doors and windows are your first line of defense. If they fail, you can say goodbye to your belongings, electronics, and furniture. Shutters allow you to reinforce doors and windows to improve hurricane protection.

  • Rollshutters – These shutters offer strong protection from high-speed winds and flying debris. They slide out and retract in a few seconds, making your hurricane preparations easier.
  • Accordion Shutters – These hurricane shutters can be closed from the inside so if the strong winds catch you unaware, you can protect yourself without going outside. These shutters have a locking mechanism for extra security.
  • Bahama Shutters – These shutters have a sleek design. They don’t just offer storm protection, they can keep the bright sunlight out while letting the breeze in. They are easy to open and close.
  • Colonial Shutters – These shutters consist of several panels that fold out to cover doors or windows. They have hinges so there is no lifting or pulling included when you need to close them quickly. They are easy to maintain and have an attractive design.
  • Storm Panels – This is a cost-efficient alternative to other types of storm shutters, designed to protect your home from the hurricane. They are easy to store but require certain skills and time for installation.
  • Hurricane Fabric – This fabric offers great protection from flying debris. It’s moderately priced and easy to install. The woven fabric has a special coating that provides rain protection.

2. Check The Backyard and Patio

If you know that the storm is coming, you have to clean up the area around your home. Plastic chairs, glass tables, portable fire pits, dead branches, toys, and such things are a hazard to your home during a hurricane. Bring them inside.

Even before the storm comes, you can invite a professional to check out the trees in your yard. You may not notice but some of them are a hazard. Only healthy trees are acceptable for hurricane-prone areas.

3. Think About Insurance

insurance for hurricane preparedness

No matter how hard you try to protect your property, nature may have other plans. Consider insuring your home against wind damage and flooding. Remember, not all homeowner insurance policies include these clauses.

Read More: How Rollshutters Can Secure Your Home

4. Buy A Simple Landline Phone Unit

In the modern world, not many people believe in the power of a simple landline telephone. However, this is exactly what you need when a hurricane brings a power outage and mobile signal failures. A simple telephone that connects to a landline can save the day.

5. Cover The Air Conditioning Unit

Another weak spot in your home is the outdoor air conditioning unit. When the debris starts flying, it will be under attack. Invest in a sturdy cover to keep the unit protected. Most of the manufacturers offer such products.

6. Invest in Surge Protection and a Backup Generator

generator for hurricane preparedness

Power surges are just as common as power outages during a hurricane. There are many different ways to install surge protection in your home. You can either invest in built-in options or add a standalone protector to the electric panels.

A backup generator is also a good idea in case the power goes out. Even though the electric grid is built to withstand storms, it is usually affected nonetheless. Owning a generator can sometimes be pricey, but in the long run is worth it.

Read More: 3 Low Budget Things You Can Do to Prepare for a Hurricane